How to call It?
the Being which are now above it… It would be a new creation upon the earth, the entry of the ultimate puissances which would reverse the conditions of this world…” With these “high powers” and “ultimate puissances”, they have together, Douce Mere and Sri Aurobindo, worked without respite.
… for the high powers of consciousness of the Being which are now above it… … Which are now above it… above that lid that still resists and keeps us nailed in a posture or position exclusive and… illusory: these high powers of consciousness must therefore infiltrate, steal or wend in as it were and implant… or, in proportion to the receptivity they encounter, the awakened aspiration and recognition in the beings they touch, begin to associate, adopt, inhabit, illumine, vivify, alert, instruct and orient… And is this not a process analogous to that which permitted and rendered effective the transition from the primitive vital being to the mental being, many an era earlier? But Douce Mere would warn: the passage from the ape to the human being, which occurred gradually through numerous attempts and lineages, did not require a departure from the organic animal body, but its perfecting and developing according to new laws of harmony and self-discovery, while this passage, which is presently outlined, sensed or divined, from the human being to the being yet to come, implies an evolutionary leap out
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