How to call It?

Such is our common condition until the inner being awakens and unites with true consciousness and its freedom. And then one may find access to other planes and learn to exist there as well.


Thus have Douce Mere and Sri Aurobindo reversed the scales: knowers of the spiritual ways of the ages, they have risen yet higher, found and united with the Force of Truth, to return with it all the way to Matter at the service of the original Aim, that of a progressive conscious manifestation. There is a lid to be breached, there is a terrestrial obstacle under many guises. It is not a matter of an exemplary effort to improve one’s nature, nor of the apprenticeship of a new way of being alone, but of a conversion and an actual birth or emergence into an other State. This State results not of any human action, but human action can call it and invite it and let it infiltrate our shell of illusion. Thus wrote Sri Aurobindo in “The Enigma of this world”, as Satprem reminded Douce Mere of it during this same conversation of October 28, 1968: “… this crossing of the line, if it was used not only for ascending purposes but also for descending ones, would bring about the transformation of the line itself and change the barrier, the lid it is at present in a passage for the high powers of consciousness of


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