How to call It?
And even while were rising the first tentative and timid babbles and murmurs of this evolutionary passage in a human body and physical consciousness – in 1973 too were enunciated the first warnings: if mankind would pursue the road of material development it had embarked upon, the entire terrestrial nature would suffer and eventually revolt. Scientists of diverse disciplines, gathering all their findings, established a comprehensive report which demonstrated the ecological consequences of the type and mode of growth humanity had so far adopted and pointed out the measures that must be taken by all the governments of the earth before the end of the millennium in order to avoid and prevent catastrophes and reorient human progress on a sustainable and harmonious path for the whole of terrestrial life. Nearly 50 years have since passed and the governments of this world still resist or begrudge the task, even as the degradation of the earth milieu has already reached an irreversible stage. But how this evolutionary advance of one individual, or even of a few individuals, could be of any concern to the great majority of the human species, or what effects could it have on its condition – and what sort of relations could it eventually entertain with this new state of consciousness and its representatives?
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