How to call It?
consciousness…”, to distinguish from the state of dreaming during the body’ sleep and describe the fact of coming back to the common stance within the physical and material world. But no one is in a position to explain accurately, scientifically and intellectually, what “It” is. It is therefore our one and single treasure!
On the first of January of every year, at dawn, Douce Mere used to broadcast a message which aimed at summing up the progress to be made and invite to it all the individual consciousnesses as well as the collective. Likewise, on the first of January, 1973, Douce Mere gave Her last New Year message: “When you are conscious of the whole world at the same time, then you can become conscious of the Divine” In Her experience, this hereafter represented an accessible realization – and a formidable and utterly new step, the first in the new consciousness and the new State of the manifestation. The double victory over the double separation was won: the accession to the continuum of consciousness – transcendence, universality and immanence at once, here upon earth, in the body.
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