How to call It?

We are not yet born.

We are animals, we are humans, we even are perhaps evolved humans, but we remain separate.

We are not yet Her children, Her vessels in this miraculous world, this material world which the Grace alone can effectively rule.

We confuse union with fusion.

The separation which was indispensable at the beginnings becomes now the obstacle to a living and progressive unity.

A spiritual realization which would leave this world unaccomplished, debased, disfigured and betrayed can neither be the highest nor the truest realization.

This unity of tomorrow is not a return to an original undifferentiated magma, but a passage to a next degree of consciousness in the manifestation, of which the forerunners will become able to exist and operate materially within a continuum of conscious presence that will teach them concretely the laws and modes of a progressive inclusive harmony.


But how are we going to come out of this present mess and emerge to a truly useful perception?


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