How to call It?
concerning its own singular condition, this harmony of vast and puissant and all-knowing truth did not seem to help.
Douce Mere was all Shakti.
Nowhere in Her, in no part of Her, was there a single ounce of inertia. Her body had become a unique site radiating a new force yet unknown upon earth. And yet its appearance was that of a diminished body which was undergoing the damages of a fierce, accelerating process of ageing. While the very consciousness of Her body was more and more one with a sovereignty in which Matter no longer knew any barriers or distances, its most concrete appearance was that of a very rapid and seemingly inexorable degradation – and the battle She waged with all the atavistic resistance of the species was all the more heroic and promising of another future for the Earth. Thus it was that Her body was learning to approach Matter, all Matter and all its bodies and formations, from and through the Presence and the unity it radiates, rather than from the status conferred by separation.
This is the lesson we must all learn now so as to free ourselves from alienation, dependency and of all value judgments.
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