How to call It?

Nowadays however the earth-atmosphere is saturated with formations and information that absorb the attention and bind us a little more every day to the future of our technologies and instruments, persuading us a little more everyday that all solutions will come from the progress of our knowledge and artificial creations. Yet from the point of view of the most central human ethics, it is unacceptable to be depending on external means to progress in consciousness. Nonetheless it is through the action and pressure of consciousness upon our mental and vital faculties – observation, analysis, deduction, intuition, audacity and the spirit and thrust of adventure… -, that we have reached this stage. And it is not a matter of rejecting as a rule or principle all, or some of our discoveries and their applications; but it is indispensable that we may recover our freedom to exist whether with or without them and to utilize them without egoism, with discernment and respect.


Most of us have been able to verify the power of concentration.

It is a power everyone can make use of: the assassin, the sadist, the dancer as well as the researcher, the astronomer and the driver of racing cars, Einstein, Planck or the serial killer.

The power of concentration is a power of the consciousness, neutral, impersonal, independent and exempt of all judgment.


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