How to call It?
At our disposal we have a whole literature which we label as “fantasy” or “science-fiction”, a vast reservoir which we keep feeding, making use of our imaginings, our intuitions, our knowledge and our talent of story-tellers. Can imagination be an aid for calling and becoming conscious of the future being? But it would have to be an imagination already clarified and purified, rid of all our projections, confusions and dualities, an imagination in no way conditioned, determined or polluted by our past experiences of power, for instance. For our imagination too is the prey of contrary forces: we need to grow, so as to contain and offer it.
There is in the consciousness of the body a sort of knowing, a coherence, a sense which is at once aspiration, call, faith and perception, but refuses, precisely, to tell oneself stories: it is like a child needing to find and recognize its big brother, its elder and its guide and will be deceived by no imitation or fabrication – for it is the child of Matter, that yearns for its material maturation, its plenitude to come.
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