Another Choice

It is imperative for all and for the whole earth that must cease these mad migrations towards devouring metropolises and that energies are re-oriented in the creation of scattered centers with limited populations, each being able to measure anew the living relation between human beings and the earth and each of these centers having the freedom and the responsibility to discern its own dynamics at the service of a more conscious unity.

It is therefore indispensable to direct and deploy human and economic resources from existing villages onwards.


What is to become of cities in future is to be discovered: perhaps their function of cultural and economic radiance will be recovered some other way ahead and it is also probable that we shall have divined means and methods to clean, dissolve or decompose the material remnants of this dementia that had caught hold of us all.


It is thus urgent to release and free education from the polarizing magnet of the cities and bring it into everyone’s life everywhere: it is no longer inevitable to segregate and limit its exercise and practice to the regimented boxes of schools and universities and its access can now be shared by all and at every age. The task of educationists will be to encourage each individuality to initiate and develop a deep reflection, whatever may be the object of the study, beyond memorization, cogitation and analysis and to raise it to this threshold where each one can then turn to consciousness to further progress in one’s comprehension and integration of existence and of the world.

To encourage questioning, openness and search, to encourage surpassing all limits and acquired data.

To encourage the discovery of one’s own uniqueness as well as grasping and appreciating difference and diversity and the perception of complementarities.


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