Another Choice

All means

All of these means which have so far been principally at the service of egotistic ends – at the service of death – must now be reconquered at the service of the evolution of consciousness in Matter, upon this earth. Means of creation, of preservation and of destruction; means of action, means of expression and communication: all must be recovered in the general work of pacifying and perfecting human existence upon earth, so that evolution may proceed in progressive continuity for all beings. Money – the financial power -, sciences and technologies, the media, all must be turned towards their true use: tools of the unfolding consciousness, instruments of infinite harmony and unity, agents of discovery and fecund change. In every domain of human activity – research, education, culture, commerce, utilization of natural resources, social praxis – we must introduce another approach: based on consciousness, energized by consciousness, at the service of consciousness – of unity unfolding.

And in this approach it is now possible to identify principles of orientation the practice of which will adapt to each situation.


Equilibrium, unity, Integrality: for the harmonious progress of the individual and collective consciousness, it is necessary to set up everywhere such gathering sites which will not be asphyxiated or leveled by numbers. The large cities of today are traps of death and destruction, monstrous illusions that alienate us: it is necessary to encourage, dynamize and mobilize the formation of autonomous local collectivities for the individuals to be able to contribute to a harmonious journey – within the cities to re-compose neighborhoods of no more than fifty thousand members and, outside the existing cities, to cultivate small centers of collective life able to self-govern independently but keeping their say and membership in a monitoring agency coordinating all resources common to a given region.


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