Another Choice

But the relation to the conscious Force is of another nature: it is an awakening and a demanding ecstasy which can only incarnate in a wholly unified being.

We can be weaned from our dependency on an outer apparatus and an external and uncertain instrumentation only when we are consciously liberated from all possibility of contradiction, from all fear and from all egotistic self-regard - aligned and unified.


Is it the body, is it the consciousness in the body, is it the inner being’s perception – who has experienced so many bodies?

A very childlike consciousness, then, but very direct and lucid, which wants to understand and surveys this corporeal territory, this organic organization, these superimposed levels of simultaneous activities, these capacities and these vulnerabilities and which lives its questions like an aspiration, a clumsy quest, a groping in the penumbra, stirring with an ancient or future day more luminous than the sun and more tranquil than silence: it watches and ponders everything that takes place here, in the body and everywhere and it seeks, it searches for the link, the passage, the way.


One of those organic operations that, indeed, most occupies and burdens the physical consciousness is that of the absorption, assimilation, digestion and excretion of the external nutritive inputs without which our bodies cannot survive – not only the number of mobilized organs but the system itself with, for instance, the sheer volume and length of the intestines and the importance of their milieu and flora seem, to this gaze that wonders and seeks, like a local and corporeal representation of an activity of terrestrial Nature which carries cumulatively the characteristics of the evolutionary stages already manifest.



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