Another Choice
To feed, to clothe and to shelter: the nourishment and the protection of our body are our imperative priority and first necessity.
The principle of a social organization is to allow for a coordination of all efforts and available means so as to obtain the optimal results for the extraction and production of food, the manufacture of clothes and the construction of shelters for all and, once this is accomplished, to enrich the collective life with a growing range of activities which in turn may cultivate, refine and develop the fabric of experience for each and for all. Our human egoism, like the worm in the fruit, parasites and perverts the realization of this simple principle by profiting and taking advantage of the complexity thus created in order to satisfy some at the detriment of others and digs out ditches and erects barriers between those who have too much and those who have not enough - and between man and Nature.
As soon as the gaze within the body awakens to the axis of conscious Force and recognizes this inner being as its most familiar, its most intimate, its very own truth, it is as if an ancient buried memory were stirring, the memory of a state free of all weight and obscurity, directly open to this luminous Force which contains all that is necessary, all the knowledge and all the power, but also all the energy. For, in this memory, there is this sense, more than an impression and more than an intuition, this physical sense of feeding materially at the current of the Force – which is harmony, which is cohesion, which is progress.
The body, like a child, wonders then why all this complication, what for all this instrumentation, why all these intermediaries and all these external operations – why this painful separation?
Some will suggest no doubt that this memory must be that of the foetus in the belly of the mother, receiving all that is needed, directly and without any effort or question.
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