Another Choice

But these distinct traits of character which, through their unique associations, combine to define our personal identity for the others as well as for ourselves, are but assembled materials: a little like one collects and gathers branches and twigs, clods of earth and palm fronds and loose little rocks so as to set up and fortify our bivouac, the provisional edifice will be different at every stage. However, since these materials are issued from universal nature, they also, the other way around, present us with keys of access to its amplitude and the infinite richness of its energies – and to their own truth.

It will be this truth, independent of our time-bound personality but assimilated by our individual experience, which the new work of unification will integrate.


Sifting, filtering and distilling, the extraction of the living gold, of the very essence of each experience and each movement and each manifestation: living perfection, living truth, living union, the harvest and the offering are attentive, progressive, ever unique and always open.

The gathered gems melt into a new force of expression, a widened awareness of the universe, a greater freedom to serve and to manifest.

But then, we cease to obey the masters of the world.


The presence of the truth is, in this tridimensional world, subversive.

Yes, all and any presence, however minimal, of the truth in our physical world is subversive and perceived as such by the interests established in their dominions of humanity.

And amongst those we frequent, we soon are identified as bearers either of an alternative or of a menace.



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