Another Choice

The contradiction

The body then understands it is necessary to prepare and, to that end, to unite more and more concretely and constantly with the inner condition, which is vibrant with a need and a sense of progress and continuous self-perfecting: another rhythm and another normalcy in material life.


But we are now faced with a formidable contradiction, a gigantic absurdity, a terrible nonsense: while our present human condition forces us to accept the decline of our faculties, the gradual loss of energy in our bodies, ageing and death, the law of the soul enjoins to always and ever become and progress and change and transform onward and forward and continuously refine and widen and uplift and deepen our consciousness and our capacity of being in the world.


Indeed we all are, whether we want it or not, interlinked parts of a whole and interdependent and, in the truncated dynamics of our condition we must effectively rely on others in order to survive and we must relay, replace and succeed one another, from generation to generation, in a progression which can reach no permanence. The duration of one human life is so limited that any eventual progress of our individual consciousness is bound to be wasted and fail and must rely on some sort of transmission, as minimal as it is uncertain, even while our exponential propagation as a species proportionally increases further the burden of harmful consequences of our collective egotism. To effectuate a physical transition, concrete and coherent, from the terms and necessities of our actual human condition to a physical condition governed by the laws of the soul, we clearly see now that a puissant protection and a favorable milieu are indispensable, which can neither be imposed or demanded, but must be contributed and willingly offered as a result of a better shared comprehension.


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