Another Choice

Yet, in its ordinary consciousness, that is, whenever the experience of the presence fades away or becomes veiled, the body remains prisoner of death, subjected to its constant cellular action, vulnerable to attacks, wear and tear and ageing and weighed down with a subconscious density of deleterious fears and convictions.


When the consciousness-force cleaves vertically through it, the body realizes that, by its statute of complex organism and relatively stable material aggregate, it is a passage leading to the more fundamental reality of matter and that, upon finding the axis of a continuum of consciousness, the clawing hooking grip of death appears in a very different light.

But how to hold on and bear this cataract?

The human physical consciousness is not ready to endure this experience more than a few moments at a stretch – which it must then assimilate.

It is not prepared to be divested of this fabric it is woven of – a thread of life, a thread of death, interlocked and as if inseparable: this habit of being, this comfort and this refuge provided by ignorance and separation.

It is not ready to leave this life/death and enter into this Other Life and let itself be remolded in it.

It is not ready to die to death.

And how could we easily free ourselves from this hypnosis inscribed down to within our cells, through how many lives and since what dawn of time?

Our very instincts and our unconscious base are dictated by the death of all terrestrial living bodies.



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