Another Choice

Thus, under the increasing protection and in the more and more wanted and revered presence of the Consciousness-Force, the body progressively rids itself of the influences and yokes that used to hold it at the mercy of all whims and contradictory wills of its masters. For has not this body, just as our earth, been ill-treated and abused and misused and vilified and driven like a beast of burden, or exposed and exhibited like a bait or a symbol of appeal, or else whipped and forced and compelled to obey the domineering will?


In our new experience, this psychic love we have found is also such a love in the body and, for this same love, Earth is more sacred: it is the embrace, it is the haven and it is the way.


Either deliberately or unwittingly we all have been familiarized with vague notions of materialization, through our legends and our myths and our fantastic tales or, more seldom to be sure but more exactly, through the pursuit of occult practices. It does not seem however that a durable materialization of such a complex body as the human body has ever been achieved: these occult vital forces do not seem to have the power to anchor themselves directly into the life of matter. This is perhaps why one is more likely to encounter cases of possession whereby an entity from the vital plane, with the assistance of a human intervention, unseats, dislodges or neutralizes an individual ego so as to take over the physical consciousness and rule the body.

In either case, the body is only valued for its function of access to the material world, a vehicle or an automaton: at best it is only asked to consent and to cooperate.

In the psychic presence, immersed in the current of conscious Force, the body is recognized, it is loved like a brother and more than a sibling, another self and an irreplaceable companion.



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