Another Choice

Can there be a neutral witness?

It is a matter of individual pride and character that one will not yield or give in to either anger or fear, but one is ignorant of the real needs of any of the concerned persons, as of the social and collective role this incident can or must play, as of the pains that have preceded it and made it possible.

Is there an obvious course of action?


Here we learn one of the elementary lessons: it is shown us that the consciousness-force is not bound to intervene just because we wish it, or thing or reckon She ought to or else because our own moral sense – to our ego’s gratification - decrees She must, or else as we ourselves would if, in our ignorance, we would be possessed of higher powers. We can only establish a relationship with the consciousness-force, with the current and flow of the inner axis from our deepest being, which is free of the ego and of its demands and has but one wish, one prayer, one aspiration, one urge: “to be Thine!”.


It happens however that, as we have also seen, amidst other individuals assembled in a group or even a throng in an atmosphere perhaps somewhat tense, on an occasion that is of concern to everyone present, our own concentration, our own vibrant and silent absorption in the loving fire of the Presence, may exert an influence or even direct effects on the entourage as on each one uniquely – like a questioning, a new evaluation spreading out or a sudden startling impression of awakening,, an instant perspective within each.

This may be fleeting and, at the same time, unforgettable.

Like an unexpected revolution, a shift has occurred which has changed everyone’s outlook.

For the consciousness-force touches each being in one’s own centre, addresses each in one’s own tongue and within one’s own landscape.


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