Another Choice
Step by step
Irritation, ill-temper, ire, anguish all easily transit from one individual to another: these are currents we feel and experience, while we are conditioned to “think” consciousness, which for long remains to us a vague and abstract reality, comparable to ether. But as soon as, by the inner contact, this abstraction acquires a presence which before long we feel to be the only permanent reality, transcending at once our sensorial experience, our emotional hold and our intellectual comprehension, another center of perception activates within ourselves.
This activation stays intermittent as long as our instrumental physical consciousness is not pacified, offered and gathered.
But one can invoke it whenever the need or necessity is felt for guidance.
And if we happen to be led into extreme situations?
Are we so partly by our own fault, that is, are we led to that point through some weakness of our nature, cowardice, attachment, rancor or fear?
Or is it an unfolding that was so far alien to us personally?
More than anything we need the help and the clarity of consciousness, not only so as not to be further drawn and caught up, but so as to open somehow a rent into the veil of drama and death, open it to the True, the Right and the Vast – concretely.
Suddenly we find ourselves next to a riot: the rage that has grabbed the group towards those who have unaccountably attacked one of theirs is such that nothing seems able or likely to stop them.
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