Another Choice

It is about letting the ordinary human being that one is to open and progressively unite, in all its movements and all its parts, to the action and presence of this Consciousness, through the inner individualization of the deeper self who was from it issued forth, as its incorruptible vehicle within the human personality.

It is about piercing the screen of death and calling here the physical respiration of a truer and freer state.

It is about the quality of all our choices, without an exception.

These will be the choices of the true Life, which does not calculate, which gives of itself and discovers without end, which never twists nor lowers or compromises itself, which never keeps accounts, but celebrates the Presence in all that is and becomes forever. These will be the choices of the true Thought, which runs on the tracks of a supreme harmony everywhere and in everything and learns its secrets of unity in all the forms of manifestation and endeavors to communicate better and better through the inclusive and direct simplicity of consciousness.

These will be the choices of the true physical Person, vibrant with aspiration for an ever new perfection and an ever more fecund aptitude for harmony.


As soon as one refers oneself to the Consciousness, everything widens.

Consciousness is the goal.

It is also the means.


Once we comprehend what is really the aim of our existence – and the reason for our individual being -, once we grasp the concrete and practical necessity of opening our whole nature to the action of the consciousness-force, everything becomes the occasion of a progress.


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