Another Choice
It does indeed seems that in this physical world the quality of our choices – of the ends as of the means – generates as if a sort of elective dynamics which influences circumstances one way or another. Egotist choices, exclusive choices, destructive choices infallibly lead to other analogous choices which eventually precipitate the individual consciousness into situations that are more and more contrary to harmony. And we see that observation and learning must take place upstream, in the detail of the initial premises which meet every individual consciousness: this, the second evidence that is brought to light.
The living foundation of this balance and of this harmony between the inner being and the choices of individual life must be set as early as possible in each one’s physical existence.
Yet our contemporary societies, our groupings, our cities, our social milieus hardly offer an environment favorable to this imperative.
But has this favorable environment ever been effectively activated, besides a rare few very privileged situations?
Has it ever been really integrated in a living terrestrial human society?
We only have sparse luminous references to the time of the Vedic Rishis to situate ourselves in a relatively recent past of the human journey (what is a dozen thousands of years if one considers the progress accomplished within one existence?), they who sought to hew open the Rock and find the Supreme again here itself in matter…
For this is not about a moral teaching, even the most sublime: we have seen how the exclusivism of the highest morals inevitably calls for the corresponding exclusivism of the most profligate vital force.
It is about the true Consciousness, free of all contradictions, unique in each of its manifestations, infinite, all-embracing.
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