Another Choice

We are dealing with a double difficulty, for the danger is latent to attribute to oneself undue importance: which ego would not feel flattered to be considered so powerful and redoubtable as to call for riddance and elimination? Nonetheless, undeniable facts and exacting or perilous circumstances repeatedly occur that do convey a common hostility – and one has each time further occasion to verify the protective action emanating from the inner axis, a constant guardian in spite of one’s unconsciousness and foibles.


These forces which resist evolution and the changes She demands, have in common that they are opportunistic and all profit from separateness.

They can operate only as long as the ego endures, which they exploit and feed off.

This is why the incarnation of individualities that would be free of ego is a threat to them as it jeopardizes the continuation of their reign upon earth.


Are we thus all plunged today in the contemporary version of the mythical battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil – with or without capital letters?

It is certain that, in some extreme situations when specific orientations are defined and stated, it becomes indispensable to choose a camp: the forces that support the evolution of the consciousnesses and work in its favor, or those that want to prevent or retard the evolution so as to exalt their own dominions and further subjugate the consciousnesses. Each camp does require adhesion and commitment, but one of them will ask of us the surpassing of our limits and the widening of our hearts and comprehensions and the courageous offering of our acts, while the other will demand servile obeisance and conformity.


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