Another Choice

To be a member of a class, a caste, a society, an ethnic group and a race is thus, generally, not the effect of a conscious choice, although the experience itself, be it ordinary or exceptional, tragic or somewhat harmonious, will contribute to the progress of the true individuality.

It is thus somehow legitimate that all the “accident victims’ of terrestrial life may also profit from all acquisitions or, at the least, be offered the possibility of it.


It does seem that, so long as the body will require a constant exterior input in order to subsist and continue to exist in the world, the degradation of the organism and its defeat will not be conquered.

And thus do we all remain slaves to this necessity, since we must extract or somehow obtain out of our environment this input of material nourishment.

All our societies have built up their structures and elaborated their collective functioning around these two facts: the body’ dependency and its mortality.

Has there always been the rich and the poor, the elite and the plebe, the princes and the peasants?

We had barter.

We have banks.

“Online”, as we say nowadays: if we are well appointed, we need no longer to dirty our hands on the paper of banknotes.

The power of money determines, in fact and in practice, almost all our actions.

Money has become the key to all our needs – is it so to all our choices?

This power, which manipulates and governs our billions of lives, propelling a few to the apex of a spectacular – and sad –success and numberless others under the smoking ruins of a noxious and impuissant monster, what does it really have to teach us?


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