Another Choice

All these forces that were emitted must now consent to collaborate.

And these are particularly those forces that have most contributed to the formation of the human ego, that are the most recalcitrant, for even though they are aware of possessing infinite resources in their own worlds, they have also become attached to their roles and their powers in the human species.


Whether one is pope, gardener or sweeper, medical doctor, researcher or house-wife, acrobat or milk-maid, teacher or army general, fisherwoman or poet, actor or wealthy heiress, we each dispose of an energetic range which one must learn to orient, offer and align. Whatever be the human lineage and ancestry of which one’s present individual physical consciousness has issued - and each lineage has cultivated uniquely these degrees of energy –, one can do this work wherever one is. One can, by direct inner reference, put each of these movements of specific energy – physical, instinctual, vital, emotional, expressive, intellectual or moral – in relation with one’s aspiration towards another consciousness, integral, free and sovereign.



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