Another Choice
We are led to perceive that on the one hand there is essentially but One Energy – we are immersed in it as we are a result of it, an effect or an expression – and on the other hand this Single Energy has invested itself in various modes of action and manifestation: and these modes are inscribed within us as around us. Depending on whether the energy operates in the magma, in the algae, the plant, the lizard, the ferret, the wolf, the bee, the eagle, the impulsive, emotional, creative, philosopher or yogi human being – it functions as per different norms and frequencies.
We feel, often at the cost of immediate comfort, these different modes as they operate and function through us, in our own nature and in our environment.
And it seems then that each one of us stands at the intersection of these modes and that their respective action has different effects on our present condition.
And the more we verify the specific character of each of these and of their effects and the more we appreciate and value the unique quality of the energy emanating from the inner axis: for She alone, the Consciousness-Force, can gather and assemble our being, pacify and quieten it, She alone can support and guide, She alone is one and full and whole.
As if it was only within this supreme neutrality that the love and joy we have always been seeking may be revealed and return us to our true selves forever.
We thus infer that all these modes of the same Energy correspond to degrees and expanses of existence that are somewhat exclusive and have each in their turn come in to play their role in the evolution.
Upon earth.
In humanity.
And we are now seized with a secret.
We comprehend this: the Time has come.
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