Another Choice

For, just as each cell contains the universe, each human being carries all the others and the path to be trod is essentially the same for all.


We are now in the yoga.

And the stakes are not restricted to our own personal salvation or deliverance: it is no longer of concern and, moreover, what salvation could there be anywhere for a single being, a single infinitesimal parcel of the whole?

The stakes are, in a universe of free-choice, the progressive incarnation of the true consciousness: its progressive manifestation in matter, the One realizing Oneself through the multitude of Its presences and the infinite plenitude of its joy.


It is evident: in the infinite possibility, it was necessary that separation may attempt to possess – to hew for itself in this universe of choice its own empire.

And so, when our heart at once awakes to the need for Union, we must face what opposes it, within us as well as in the world.

We then become soldiers, warriors of a battle for the world, for the harmony and the truth and the love of the world: warriors who can achieve nothing by their own forces, warriors who must learn to open to the only real and free Force, the Force of Consciousness.



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