Another Choice
Who is there?
It is not so much by trying to see and feel what is this “inner” nature that one makes progress in one’s comprehension of it: it is much more by discovering the answers that come from it, immediate responses to the movements of people and beings as to the life-situations.
And it is by uniting oneself with those responses, in letting them fill one, in letting them be.
For these responses can in no way be forced or provoked.
They come, or not, we do not really know how or why.
But the quality of the presence is inimitable – and irreplaceable.
And so, whenever one finds oneself before an absence of ego, a gesture or an undertaking or an approach that is free of any calculation and exempt of any self-serving regard or any separate willfulness, one is instantly seized with a sort of grateful happiness.
It is so when one is witness to a movement of gratuitous tenderness or friendship: it is like the comforting wings of a large warm bird.
And as thus one perceives, nearby as well as a little distance away, by fortuitous incidents, the crystal notes of a reality more real, like the ankle-bells of the naked dancer of the universe, one realizes at the same time that each one of us carries a unique tone, a peerless flame, which is one’s law: a law which rivals with no other, claims nothing, but is its own need of blossoming.
This law is the truth one alone has the power to realize and manifest within the unity of the whole: it is one’s raison d’être, it is one’s goal, one’s guide and one’s contribution.
The glowing pearl that forms in the obscurity of the closed shell, the crystal that grows in the night of the rock, the lotus that the seeds delivers into the silt, the water and the air and the
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