with Sri Ganesh

- 29-02-12:

14 th anniversary of the First Supramental Descent on 29-02-1956.

The wind has shifted and the air has warmed-up considerably... and I seem to have caught a cold from Holland through A. and K. and I have a sore on my gums and the wounds on my legs and feet are still hurting, etc. ... The headman comes late and offers Rs. 10/-...

Sri Ganesh, Son of the Great White Mother,

Seated in Her Presence You watch the world –

You are ready = Ready to help clear the ways For the renewed flow Of creation, Ready to dissolve The knots and hardened blocks –

But you must wait –

For men must first Outgrow Their greed...


- 01-03-12:

Namaste King Ganapathy,

Namaste Ganeshji, Life and Form of Aum In Her Creation – A Great Help is Your figure on the Path, Sweet Ganesha, Your Order and Balance,


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