with Sri Ganesh

There is but One Source, One Origin, One Journey, One home, And all paths and all states Serve The One’s Becoming...

Aum Namo Bhagavate.

- 23-01-12:

... The wound on my left arm – which I got when Srinu dropped a heavy branch on me a while before he himself got hurt -, has not healed and is behaving oddly...

Sri Ganesh you appear Like a playful Prince, Fresh and eager, yet At the same time, You must hold up The staff of conversion, To help human nature turn To the One Love – And so your joyful spring Is like a promise Of the Riches to come When the change is Complete...


- 24-01-12:

... Several of the Police Patrol came in, very sweetly, to get blessings...! Later, a couple of Western visitors arrived; they sat at the door a moment, then left, and returned after a while and the lady came in to offer a bottle (a large phial) of 108 distilled scents which she herself prepared, with a good image of Ganeshji on it and his name; they live in Germany and are staying at Gaia for a couple of


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