with Sri Ganesh

And surrounds The workings of Agni – And with that compassion You bless the fruits of the earth For eternity...

- 19-01-12:

... The weather is now mild, luminous and restful... ... Someone has offered Rs. 10/-.

... On the one hand, the Supreme has willed for the manifestation and for each and every one of its forces and powers and beings to be free to choose and to act accordingly, without ever imposing on it; on the other hand, the Supreme is immanent in every atom as in every force and form, every individual and collective existence, and as such is bound by experience to grow and reach out for plenitude and wholeness...

Sri Ganesh, you seem to appear Somewhere in between those poles, Issuing as you do From The Shakti, Whose work it is to solve This enigma... And in the joyful peace Of your abode, Sri Ganesh, You offer Her Blessings To those who begin To understand... Aum.

- 20-01-12:

Sri Ganesh, Most valorous Knight And Free Servitor Of the Two who are One, You circle the world, With Agni glowing


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