with Sri Ganesh

me work and are effusive in their praises of my maintenance of the place; they offer Rs. 10/-... ... With so much less tree-cover, there is much more light in the shrine, and Sri Ganesh’s figure is very fine, with its dark, precise, expressive mass stark against the pearly white of the marble walls... I am thinking that there has been such a surge of destruction in the past several years – whether from man or from Nature, and yet Sri Ganesh’s beauty is a constant renewal honoring the true Law within all...

- 08-01-12:

Parthy does the puja and then, with the help of Parasu, their father Sundarasu and four more of their relatives, spends the morning clearing the entire garden of all branches and broken limbs and debris and carrying it all out on the roadside, neatly. It is an excellent work of service, done with joy.

- 09-01-12:

... The only remaining work here is to recut properly the damaged limbs and branches of the Service and Patience trees so they may grow back in harmonious balance; the biggest loss, I think, is the Nag lingam tree, which stood like a pillar behind the Shiva lingam; only about 6 feet of its trunk remain, and perhaps if we saw the top cleanly it may yet sprout new shoots...

Today Sri Ganesh you seem to be Very light and attentive, In a way which inspires confidence, And the offered fruits of the fallen Coconut tree Are at your sides Like a family –

Let this earth Be soon The Lord’s Habitation...



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