with Sri Ganesh

- 19-12-11:

Sri Ganesh, Sweet Brother of all Striving Souls, You carry with you The Honey Of well-being and harmony And the Balm And the Nectar Of true Fecundity And Progress – You do not waste it, You do not squander it, But watch for genuine Integrity To let it work its magic…

Sweet Brother, one can thus Have this glimpse of you, A streak of generous light Across The woods and fields of the world…

Aum Namo Bhagavate

,,, Parthy and I cycle back here in the afternoon to prune down the whole eastern hedge…

- 20-12-11:

… The pain in the hip joint and the lower spine is high and to get up and walk out of the shrine after the puja is something of an ordeal… But the character of this trouble has evolved and, even though I cannot see any actual improvement, somehow, most of the time, I feel a kind of confidence that the body, that “we” will sort it out…

Sri Ganesh, The meaningful refinement Of the Harmonious Beauty


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