with Sri Ganesh

Eternal Path Of Increase, In your beneficent Rhythms And With all your knowledge You hold The treasure...

- 07-12-11:

... Local communists have had the new precast wall of Orchard painted white over which large slogans were then colored in large Tamil letters and symbols... .... The big fellow Congress politician came with several members of his family to pray and offered Rs. 50/-...

Sri Ganesh, You appear as the Great Purohitam Who can officiate as well At the High Yajna Of the Gods As in the deepest cave Beneath the world of men – In every plane you may be found, Yet it is here Upon earth That you most wish To Serve... Aum.

- 08-12-11:

Today is “Karthik Deepam”; there will be a huge crowd at Thiruvannamalai... ... Murthy comes in to pray and offers Rs. 100/-... ... Both the headman and a man called Venkatasubhian, who is actually on his way to Thiruvannamalai, attend the Aarti, and offers Rs. 10/ and Rs. 50/-...

Sri Ganesh, You come riding down


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