with Sri Ganesh

With its secret harmony –

Wearing the calm tiara of Light And holding the Staff of Rightness, Your moving robes lightly brush The offered joyous flames And thus kindled Are the blessings...

- 01-12-11:

... The weather is quiet; rain clouds still move across the sky but there is more often sunshine... ... The elder offers Rs. 10/-...

Sri Ganesh, As you straddle the worlds and planes Of being And transcend The modes of creation,

You are best armed To assist and support The hard labor Of Transformation –

Universal is your luminous sign As you help and prod Even the darkest recesses To open to Her Milk White Force And release Their hoarded treasures Of deep glowing Nectar...


- 02-12-11:

Today Sri Ganesh it is as if You have laid the Path


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