with Sri Ganesh

This relentless drive for so-called “development” seems only to gain in momentum, and it has no appreciation whatsoever for the significance of Auroville, other than as a factor of boosting the economy... On the other hand, it perhaps can be said that this too is the Lord’s Choice and that, ahead of everybody, lies the unexpected...

Today Sri Ganesh it is as if You were giving audience, Seated on a wide-spreading

Throne of tensile light, And holding the staff Of the Great Listener –

And whoever appears within The ambit of your gaze Is measured and weighed On invisible scales, In a silent appraisal –

Impartial is your stance, Yet your figure glows, Warm and tender...

Aum Ganeshaye Namah.

- 21-11-11:

... The nearby developers have again put up a board, this time just above the Auroville Symbol in the curve of the wall; as I arrive and stand looking at it, Murthy happens to drive by and I ask him to go and talk to these people, whom he knows. Later in the morning, as i begin to untie the bindings, the elder, who actually works with these same people, comes to let me know their promise to remove it today itself – which they do... ... Someone has offered Rs. 10/-...

Like a Great Sun-Filled Compassionate Bird, With Folded Wings, Dense and Massive Yet Light and Alert, You have gathered your riches In one figure


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