with Sri Ganesh

Of the song of the earth, And vibrant air Winged by tenderness

And a luscious glow Of the inner fire –

Thus it is In your Yajna = Everything must be Laid In readiness...

The elder comes in late and offers Rs. 10/-.

- 10-09-11:

... Two middle-aged ladies who came in to do pranam with some care and respect, offered Rs. 20/-; someone else later has also offered Rs. 10/-...

Sometimes Sri Ganesh Your song Is that of the whole universe In its links And relationships, The sun in the deep heart And the routes of the stars And the bounty Of the Eternal – And your gestures are Thrusts Of deathless love And pervading harmony...

Parthy and Viji’s second child, a girl, was born today at 12.35am in Jipmer; Parthy has told me that they all requested me to name her. So I did: Prahita (well-sent), born on 10-09-11 at 12.40am.

- 12-09-11:

... It rained well the night before last and the soil is luxuriating...


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