with Sri Ganesh

And deep Reliance, While, direct from The Origin, The Force of Love Leads The Sacrifice –

Aum Namo Bhagavate Aum Gan Ganapataye Aum.

- 03-09-11:

... I had to spend another Rs. 3,500/- to complete the payment to the flower lady: this year it has all been more costly... ... Last night there came a little rain with some wind and thunder and the garden is nourished. ... The electrician Radhakrishna has found the mysterious fault: the wiring of the outside light has become embedded in the growing neem tree nearest the gate! ... The headman offers Rs. 10/-, and the elder comes in late with a younger man and they also offer Rs. 10/-.

Sri Ganesh, you appear today As the highest reference and Authority Before the Great Shakti For all energies and beings Of the true Nature – There is thus such wondrous Mutual regard Between All that is...


- 05-09-11:

... Mi-Hong has sent her offering of Rs. 500/-.


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