with Sri Ganesh

Issuing from the Sun, And waving forward And all about you, From a unique dynamic poise, Great nourishing songs Of the richest light Till, Deeper in offered Matter, Your blessings become those Of the Mother... Sri Ganesh, Old and young and perennial, Motionless and Imperial, Or quick-footed jester, The many guises and variations Of your form Are but settings For the spirit of The eternal friend Who watches over the way From the Origin To Home – To Her Creation – Simple and near and tender In the soft silence Of the heart, Sri Ganesh, you sit...

- 22-08-11:

- 23-08-11:

... The headman comes in for the Aarti and later offers Rs. 10/-.

Sri Ganesh, The War you wage, In your quiet and mysterious ways, Is a War of Harmony –

The forces you support and sustain Are those that are


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