with Sri Ganesh

Still, since I was no longer having any discomfort or any of the symptoms such as cramps, heaviness, extreme tiredness of the lower legs, I believed some positive change had indeed taken place. However, as I resumed my daily routines at home and in the garden of Sincerity, the troubles also began to reappear, as unexplained as before. And so I could really find no justification in this latest “accident”, other than that it had, strangely, taken away or dissolved a certain sort of self-indulging distress at the growing disharmony in my corporeal life… As for Parthy, his body had made a lot of progress; while I was hospitalized, it had developed a strange sort of raised sore at the back of the right knee, which was hurting at any contact and clearly connected to the hard elongated area that was still inflamed in the internal tissues of the thigh. I had seen this sore when Parthy had come to visit with me there, but had not felt alarmed: I had thought the organism was trying to find a way to let out the remaining infection. And that is what it did, eventually as, soon after I had returned home and we both began to be more active, this sore started to leak a soft, light brown fluid, sometimes very profusely…! And proportionately the internal swelling started to diminish… I had asked Dr. Baskaran on the phone to postpone the due check-up for another week or so, explaining Parthy’s progress and also my recovery from a recent surgery behind my request. On the 16 th of December we went by taxi to Chennai. It was pouring fiercely, as it had been for several weeks, and the entire countryside was flooded, but we reached well in time and met separately first with Dr. Sugandhan, dermatologist and then with Dr. Baskaran, generalist – with whom a warm and genuine contact has formed. They were both very pleased with Parthy’s condition and the quality of his recovery, but advised to continue the medicine for at least another month or so, till all trace of swelling or hardness had dissolved. They confessed again to their puzzlement and inability to identify the type of infectious agent at work. Dr. Sugandhan was very interested in learning about our findings as regards a possible black magic intervention having been responsible for it, but commented on his not being in a position to discuss these matters openly with other doctors, even though he and others among them were well aware that such practices were still alive in many parts of the country and were the causes of many such odd physical break- downs…


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