with Sri Ganesh
it would be so even if destruction was brought about by outer, separate forces -, that soul, that spirit, would remain, ready to explore and to manifest again, timelessly and in time, the myriad possibilities…
- 28-11-08:
The cyclonic winds went on till mid-afternoon yesterday and then it was only rain, with few pauses between dense outpourings all through the night. This has not happened with this intensity in all the years I have been here; there is in it an echo, a sort of reminder of ages past, when earth was not hospitable to human beings and the forces were so formidable and violent that only very large, or very small, animals could survive…
I have found myself prisoner of the vital material creature, and it has been totally humbling…!
The TNEB people have come yesterday evening to hack away some big branches that were too close to the power lines and left them hanging over the gate by the ropes of the climbing vines and Manikandan and I spent quite a while clearing it all… … Now, the rage seems to have quietened and there come the first veiled, timid sun-rays…!
Sri Ganesh, Will you help in the finding of a new basis For growth and progress? Son of Shiva, bearer of his emblems, Child of Parvati’s own substance, Bearer of her powers and instruments, You officiate there, in the inner wave, With love and with care…
- 29-11-08:
Last night was quiet, there was rest… This morning I could bring the first fresh garland to Sri Ganesh after several days…
Sri Ganesh, You have gathered the fresh fallen blooms
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