with Sri Ganesh

- 18-11-15:

There is sunshine again, now and then…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Brother and Friend, Help me to serve Aum Namo Bhagavate Ganapataye Namah Let there be Service everywhere, Service to the One…

- 19-11-15:

There was a gentle rain before dawn…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Maha Purohit Poised and Alert And Massive, With the colors of this Earth You do your Mudras Of Service To the Shakti, So She can pursue Her own Task Of Love… Aum Ganesha

- 20-11-15:

Most of yesterday it drizzled and in the night there was dense rain and this morning too it drizzles and again pours densely…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, A free being, You wear your secret Knowledge As a continuous Act Of Harmony,


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