with Sri Ganesh

The origin and the Goal… Aum Ganesha

- 20-10-15:

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Son and Bearer of the Shakti And Guardian at Her Feet, You can be so unobtrusive

At Her Service And you can be An obstacle That leads To Her Way…

Aum Ganesha

- 21-10-15: - Aida Saraswati Puja -

The whole garden is now dejected and there are hardly any flowers to be found… I find P. waiting for me at the gate: he wants to show me how he came in yesterday evening and gave a bath to Sri Ganesh in preparation for today’s Mahasaraswati puja; and then he proceeds to help me clean the area and goes on to wash and polish Pushpak the bullet as he used to do years ago, as everybody around here cleans their tools on this particular day… Rs. 330/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, At a slow pace you appear On your rounds, Massive and Alert Upon your mount, Holding the staff of Nature – And your gaze misses No movement anywhere, Yet you remain Impassive… Aum

- 22-10-15: - Vijaya Dashami = the Day of Victory –


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