with Sri Ganesh

One, And the Shakti nourishes Its multitudes And you watch and serve… Namaste Sri Ganesh

In the afternoon again I return here cycling to clean more pathways and prune the shrub behind the Aum pillar…

- 12-09-15:

Sri Ganesh, Let me pray to do the right thing For your Chaturthy day, Namaste Priya Ganapati

Namaste Treasurer Of Her Qualities Aum

- 14-09-15:

Yesterday, after doing the puja, P. pruned most of the eastern hedge, a relief for me as I might not have had the time to do it… Rs. 1,000/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Help me make it right And true Aum Priya Ganapataye…

In the evening P. comes here to prune down the Asoka tree under the high- tension line…

- 15-09-15:

Sri Ganesh Namaste Cheerful, Jaunty Sorcerer


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