with Sri Ganesh

- 27-07-15:

Last evening clouds gathered, with lightning-bolts and rolling thunder and it rained a while, densely enough to enter the ground… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste The Sight of Music And the Sound of Dance All must serve The New Creation – Let the five Senses And the five Elements Become attuned To receive That Which must embody Her –

Sri Ganesh, Namaste

While giving a lecture in Shillong, Abdul Kalam passed, suddenly…

- 28-07-15:

Rs. 30/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Priyaganapataye As you pace in full view, Poised and Alert, With Rich Harmony And a Knowing Gaze, The hearts are cheered Who are reminded Of The One…



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