with Sri Ganesh

- 16-07-15:

The drying breeze is back in action and the heat climbing fast…

Sri Ganesh, Tranquil and Alert Is your Poise as, Seated in your chariot, Silent with the lights of your speed, You make a round of the world, Watching all

Yet appearing only To those who seek Your company… Namaste Sri Ganesh

- 17-07-15:

… Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste Nitya Ganapati Let there be a Song That gathers all

In One Love And Restores In the Universe Its Joy, Aum Ganesha…

- 18-07-15:

The inland breeze has regained maddening strength…

Sri Ganesh, Help clear the Way, Help Auroville To serve The True Consciousness –

Aum Namo Bhagavate Friend and Brother


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