with Sri Ganesh

Serving the True Increase… Namaste Aum

V. and his wife bring their tiny daughter Ila for her first birthday and offer Rs. 70/-…

- 02-02-15:

… M. has returned the lamps, newly welded and bright… This year for the first time grass has sprouted all over the garden and not a patch of ground is without it… it will have taken over 10 or 12 years to see it happen (I never use any compost other than the natural accumulation of dead leaves and debris and never water the ground between the shrubs and plants…) Rs 20/- have been offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Namaste Wondrous Ganapataye…

- 03-02-15:

… Rs. 10/- are offered; P brings fresh flowers from the farm, watches as I arrange them and leaves…

Sri Ganesh is Resplendent today – As if leading a silent march of victory – A victory that leaves no victims,

No vanquished enemies, But a cleansed receptivity To The True Increase… Aum

- 04-02-15:

… A large bunch of obnoxious kids entered the garden and came to the shrine and it is such an occasion to remind me that being a white man is somewhat the same as being a monkey in a zoo… … Rs. 100/- have been offered…


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