with Sri Ganesh

Namaste Sri Ganesh Wondrous and Unique Ganeshaye…

- 16-01-15:

It is the third day of Pongal and clouds seem to be gathering. I am now able to set up the new music system and the shrine itself has excellent acoustics and when I place the blaster outside it captures the

sound like a music-box… … Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste, Ganeshaye, What a beautiful presence Is your constant, Slow dance of Harmony In the worlds… Aum

- 17-01-15:

A bunch of visitors, families on an outing, come in and loiter in the garden: I can see how, if I was more amenable to open up this place, that it would simply be in no time at all, and good-naturedly too, plundered and ruined. There would be no pebbles left on the paths, no leaves on the tulasi plants, no flowers on the shrubs and, instead, it would all be littered with plastic wrappers… And I find I have no tolerance left for these noisy, callous, jarring physical creatures… But Rs. 20/- were offered and I managed to do the puja quietly…

- 19-01-15:

Yesterday, Sunday, when P. was still here to do the morning puja, A. stopped by to do pranam on his way to the airport and offered Rs. 1,000/-.

Sri Ganesh, Exquisite and glad

Is the beauty That rises off Your density, Ganeshaye…


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