with Sri Ganesh

... Last Saturday Hemant D. finally left a Cheque for 2 lakhs as a donation to Sri Ganesh, through Matrimandir. This is a little complicated as Hemant wants to donate monies from his companies and get tax exemption on these donations. He has been donating to Matrimandir over many years and simply wants to extend his contributions to include the maintenance of this place. But it will imply for me that I must justify the use of the monies with bills and vouchers... In the meantime, Gita’s Cheque has not yet reached; first there was it seems a misspelling of my name, then it was forgotten in Sumant’s pocket for a week or so, and then the banks were on strike...! I try to figure whether my own attitude is somehow responsible for these delays and mishaps, but I do not find any particular movement that I could offer up...

Sri Ganesh You appear As the Great Hero Of the Shakti – Blessed by the One To bless in turn All those Who truly seek, And provide them With harmony...


... In the evening I get the message that Gita’s cheque has reached Gan Account = Rs. 10.000/-.

- 18-02-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered... I checked the Gan Account online and found that some interest had accrued and, with Gita’s donation, there is now Rs. 131,885/-, while the cash in hand amounts to Rs. 4,280/-. Therefore as of today the total credit is Rs. 136,165/-.

Ganesha, Lovely, Auspicious Leader Of the Troops, You cheer all hearts


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