with Sri Ganesh

and coconuts and flowers and turmeric, ghee, wicks and biscuits and bangles and, silently, attends the entire puja... It makes me feel like a family priest...! Later, she insists on telling me all her troubles, speaking loudly as if I was a little retarded, and declares her intention to bring more ingredients for the next puja... Finally, upon leaving, she also offers Rs. 10/-...!

Sri Ganapati, Dispenser and Provider On the Path, You stand for all As a Reminder That all paths Come from the One And the Path You clear Belongs to the One Alone, Entirely, absolutely, Timelessly And for all times...

Beautiful Ganesha Aum

- 10-02-14:

Aum Namo Bhagavate Namaste Sri Ganapataye Namaste

- 11-02-14:

Sri Ganesh, Neat and Ordered and A little jaunty nonetheless You seem to be standing In full view of the troops, Assessing and summoning

Your army of Beings, So there is readiness And Receptivity For Her Coming...


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