with Sri Ganesh

... There’s obviously been, lately, a determined activity of, I suppose, mischievous energies to block, divert, obfuscate and delay, and also to intrude, disrupt and wreak confusion and to steal; and I find myself so tamasic, so little alert and offered – so little conscious...

Beautiful Ganesha, You watch as the energy Multiplies –

Who can be the guide In this world ?

Sri Ganesh, Beautiful Brother, What can one do...?

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 04-02-14:

Mahaganapati Master of Harmonies Aum Namo Bhagavate, Son of the One, Your very stance is

A teaching, Sri Ganesh


- 05-02-14:

... Although the nights remain cool, the grass is already yellowing... ... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh Priya Ganapati Sundara Ganesha Siddhi Ganapati Aum


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