with Sri Ganesh

unconcerned; yet they watch me arrive, knowing that I surely will begin to collect the rubbish and making no move to help; so I glare at them and scold them to get up and help collect it all... At once they set to it in earnest and, in a few minutes it is done and they smile...! What to do? ... Rs. 40/- are offered... A local lady offers flowers also...

Wondrous Ganesha Namaste Aum

- 28-01-14:

... Last night surely was one of the coolest of the season. ... Murthy offers Rs. 100/-. I counted the coins accumulated, Rs. 180/-, which I wanted to exchange for lamp oil, but that shop was closed and I only got the same amount in paper money...

Sri Ganesh, Keeper of the Treasure, Assessor of the human heart, You may clearly appear Only to those who reach Alignment With the High Intent Of Creation – To those you show the way To the sharing Of the true Bounty...


- 29-01-14:

Sri Ganesh, Knight and Soldier Of the Mother, Everywhere and Anywhere You will go for Her, A free being, You will travel all planes And


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